Regulatory Science Magazine 11 on monitoring corona vaccines
The eleventh edition of the MEB’s Regulatory Science Magazine brings you interviews with Peter Mol, professor of Drug Regulatory Science, and professor Miriam Sturkenboom about the ACCESS-programme, an international initiative for optimal post-authorisation monitoring of new COVID-19 vaccines.
Peter Mol is clinical assessor at the MEB. This summer he was appointed professor of Drug Regulatory Science at the Groningen University Medical Center. In an interview in the magazine Peter talks about his different tasks and how he tries to build a bridge between the research and regulatory worlds.
Of course COVID-19 and the regulatory aspects of medicines and vaccines are part of this issue. In an extensive interview professor Miriam Sturkenboom speaks about the ACCESS-programme for which she is the project lead. The goal of ACCESS is to set up an infrastructure and to get Europe ready for large scale monitoring of new COVID-19 vaccines, post-authorisation.
Besides these main articles, the magazine also contains information on ongoing projects, and upcoming and past meetings. Two students elaborate on their research work at the MEB.
Share your knowledge and join the conversation on LinkedIn
Next to the magazine, the MEB launches a new initiative: a discussion platform on LinkedIn, in our own LinkedIn-group about Regulatory Science. Anyone who is involved in the field of regulatory science and research is invited to join the conversation: share your views, articles and knowledge and build your network!