Explanation of the Interest Form - MEB-ZIN Parallel Procedures pilot

Accelerating patient access to reimbursable innovative medicines has been on the wish list of the government, patient organizations, practitioners and the pharmaceutical industry for some time. The MEB and the National Health Care Institute (ZIN) have therefore joined forces to shorten the time from registration up to the moment that innovative medicines are reimbursed in the "MEB-ZIN Parallel Procedures pilot"

Participating in the pilot

If a pharmaceutical company is interested in participating in the CBG-ZIN Parallel Procedures pilot, they have to submit the 'Interest Form CBG-ZIN Parallel Procedures'.

More information

Do you have any questions? If so, please contact the project leaders:

Kevin Liebrand (CBG)
E-mail: PPCBG@cbg-meb.nl

Ly Tran (Zorginstituut Nederland)
E-mail: LTran@zinl.nl