
204 documents

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  1. Pharmacovigilance of biologicals - Lotte Minnema

    Presentation of Lotte Minnema at the MEB Science Day 2021

    Publication | 18-02-2021

  2. Summary - Report on paracetamol and PCA

    Report | 27-08-2020

  3. Report on paracetamol and PCA

    Report | 26-08-2020

  4. MEB 43: Two-round assessment policy for national procedures

    Limiting the number of assessment rounds ensures that the (legally) stipulated time within which the MEB must make a decision ...

    Policy document | 01-08-2020

  5. Strategic Business Plan 2020-2024

    This Strategic Business Plan (SBP) describes the strategic direction of the Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB) in the coming period ...

    Publication | 21-04-2020

  6. MEB 13: Nomenclature of pharmaceutical products

    This document describes the requirements which the marketing authorisation holder has to fulfil when submitting a proposal for a ...

    Policy document | 23-03-2020

  7. MEB Science Day 2020 - Presentation Fiona Sewell

    Publication | 04-03-2020

  8. MEB Science Day 2020 - Presentation Coenraad Hendriksen

    Publication | 04-03-2020

  9. MEB Science Day 2020 - Presentation Coen Stalpers

    Publication | 04-03-2020

  10. MEB Science Day 2020 - Presentation Roos Masereeuw

    Publication | 04-03-2020